Mark Roemer Oakland Looks at Minimalist Principles That Help You Maximize Life

According to Mark Roemer Oakland, most people talk about living life to the fullest but fail to practice what they preach. That’s because most people picture a lavish life full of luxuries when they say that. They forget that less is more. Let’s check out a few minimalist principles that help you maximize your life.

The Details

1. Focus on the important things – Minimalism isn’t about just getting rid of all kinds of material possessions. Instead, it’s more about getting rid of distractions so that you can focus on what’s actually important in your life. Minimalism helps you spend more time, energy, and resources on things that matter to you. Apply that philosophy in your home and tricky decisions and dilemmas become simpler and easier.

2. Find the fun in letting go – From an external outlook, minimalism seems like this weird thing where you get rid of valuable possessions. However, someone who participates in it has more fun than you know. When you keep things that you love and get rid of everything else, you feel liberated and have fun indulging in things you truly love.

3. Don’t shove things in a closet – This principle would help you from straying away from minimalism and prevent you from turning back into a hoarder. When you’re on the minimalist spectrum, you may try to keep a couple of pairs of shorts and pants in your closet or have a few more colorful items while staying away from fast fashion.

You may hold a few extra clothes and accessories in the closet as long as you don’t shove things. When you start shoving things, it means there are more than enough items to wear throughout the week and you’re still trying to make more room without getting rid of things you don’t need anymore.

4. Get rid of as much furniture as possible – You’ll be surprised when you figure out the abysmally few furniture pieces you need in your home. Most people can get rid of the side table, a few chairs, some cupboards, and more furniture pieces without feeling any tangible change in their life. 

Getting rid of as many furniture pieces as possible makes you live in a happier, cozier, and hygiene-focused environment. You’re able to keep your home clean with less effort and the space looks more inviting when you have guests. The rooms in your home also look more spacious.

5. Make room for meaningful things – Minimalism isn’t just about getting rid of things. Instead, it’s making more room for meaningful things. Get rid of the clutter and cheap decor pieces with items that have more sentimental or aesthetic value. For instance, you may get rid of the side table, cheap wall decor, and the ugly lamp for a tall lamp shade that suits your style.


Mark Roemer Oakland suggests that you use these minimalist principles to minimize your attachment to wasteful items and live a fuller life. You may also use the above-mentioned principle as a source of inspiration to draft your own.